Friday, December 28, 2012

On poop duty!

And loving every stinky bit of it. Motherhood, I have realized, is something that's got to be experienced to understand what it exactly means!

Right now my life totally revolves only around my baby boy... Mushki! He is, as the cliche goes, the apple of my eye! There is not one moment that goes by without him in my thoughts, it's like he is sitting in my brain all the time... Not that I am complaining. For me any moment without him around is a moment in my life being wasted.

Like any other normal mother, I do have pouts of anger and frustration running in my blood every time he cries or the constant attention he craves for... But that's the part and package of the deal :).

A lot of mothers/people as such advice on how to bring up my child or how to hold him or blah blah blah.... To all those... Thanks so much, I do appreciate it but I am the person who held him inside me for 9 months and so, I am very well aware of so many things myself.. Maternal instinct is just not a word, it means something too...

Parenthood is a learning process involving lots of trials and errors but its definitely fun, we enjoy his company and he has brought us all together in every true sense. And the patience levels that I have developed, thanks to him, is to be seen to be believed... Phew!

Oh well, I can just go on and on about how things are going along but oops.. poop duty calls... :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hold the press! I AM BACK

It's been so so long that I am finding it difficult as to where to begin... So many things have happened in these past few years...

Do I start with my most amazing US holiday in the summer of 2010 or do I rant about my day to day life or do I talk about my new found passion -"baking" which I have taken an interest to lately or to finally burst out what I am trying to hold back - the best news of my life!

Well, the most exciting of all is the last bit; not that my holiday wasn't, it was definitely the best holiday till date and the memories of it still linger on inspite of the two year gap!

Baking is probably the most exciting endeavor that I have picked up lately and yes, I have been doing loads of it. Though I don't want my blog to turn into a food blog and I am definitely not interested in starting another one, I do plan to regularly update some little post nips here on cooking/baking stuff that I do...

I am sure no one is interested in my constant day to day rantings, so we can just leave that out for now...

Let's see... what else is there to share? Any guesses???

Ok ok enough of the suspense.... Here is what I am dying to say...... I am a mommy to a dear little fellow :) yes! I delivered a baby boy on 23rd May 2012 and he is an absolute joy. I have no words to express the magical mysteries of motherhood... Definitely the best phase of my life, rather our lives... Dare not leave the dear hubby out of this, he is more excited that I am! We are ecstatic, he is too much fun and I thank God for this. I always wanted a boy and I got mine :)

It's been three whole months and I am totally looking forward to all the fun things in store for the three of us!