Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Century

BestFreeDesign.Com border=Finally!!! I never thought I’d ever come to this... It took me four years to reach my 100th post and guess what?? I celebrated that by cribbing...:-0. My previous post was my 100th post and after all that BESCOM bashing, I realised that the post should have been a happy one!!! *SIGH*

Anyhow coming back to my happy post, it has been a great journey and I can see myself mature, not talking age-wise here, but in my writing. I have tried sharing all my experiences (good ones and not so good ones as well) in the ‘blogland’ and tried using humour to the maximum extent possible to make it interesting. And boy have I thoroughly enjoyed myself or what??

As I continue my journey forward, I shall try to keep my blog updated during each phase of my life with the same vigour and enthusiasm that has kept me going for the last four years. Whatte journey it has been and I am hoping the future only gets better :)


Rika said...

Congrats! on your 100th post and keep blogging!

தக்குடு said...

congrts for your 100th post! we are expecting more intresting post from you!