Thursday, February 18, 2010

Summer already?

Well whaddya know... It’s here and with a vengeance... It is already scorching hot and getting hotter with each passing day!

The most interesting thing is that the weather almost changed overnight, or so it seems, without even a warning or a hint, tch tch... Not that we could do have done anything about it but still!! At least, I could have prepared myself not just for the heat but also for the wonderful method with which the Govt chooses to make our lives even more miserable, the power cuts :-(

Yes dear Bangaloreans, brace yourselves up for hotter days and many more hours of agonising power cuts; they are here to stay. The day the weather changed, almost the very same say the power cuts also began – so far it’s only 4 hrs a day but I am 100% certain it is only going to increase along with the heat waves... Kudos to our Govt; they are punctual and prompt in this matter at least!

I never liked summer season which is quite contrary to my upbringing - born in the hot month of June in a desert (Rajasthan) and later spent 15 long years in Tiruppur (Tamil Nadu); summer and heat isn’t new to me but I have always hated it! Weather was the one thing that I liked about Bangalore but guess that’s changing as well, all thanks to the global warming... And guess what, the husband, brought up in Delhi and Bangalore, doesn’t mind the heat... A match made in heaven I swear!

And while I am crying here, the husband is facing one of the craziest blizzard ever in the US! I believe this year has been the worst ever in terms of snowfall... Phew... Talk about irony!!!

Now the only solution I have here is first to install a UPS. So far I never thought of that as something important but since the time I changed my work status from a working wife to a homemaker, I can tell you that this has become a necessity now. Well the second task is to get air-conditioning fixed, I know it might sound absurd for people living in Bangalore but times are changing and so is the weather... The only relief is rains and only God knows when and Oh I forgot the husband's consent for all these – after all it will come out of his pocket!!!!!!

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